Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Heaven is a Wonderful Place!

What difference does sponsoring a child make? 

Meet Rabson who attends one of Family Legacy's Lifeway Christian Academies that are located throughout the city of Lusaka, Zambia. Sponsored kids like Rabson experience a life filled with joy and hope for the future.

Enjoy this video... 

Heaven is a Wonderful Place! from Family Legacy on Vimeo.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Dream Camp

"It was like a DREAM! We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy."
Psalm 126

I am so excited to be heading back to Zambia this December to lead a group of participants for our 3rd Dream Camp at the Tree of Life Children's Village!

Now home to over 280 children, the Tree of Life is a community that provides a home and a family to children who have come from the worst situations imaginable. Virtually all of them have been orphaned through the death of one or both parents or through abandonment. Children as young as 2 or 3 years old were left to take care of themselves - find food, find clothes, find a place to sleep - and their siblings.

But, in HIS infinite grace and love, God had another plan for these children's lives. He could see them when no one else could. And, He has given us eyes to see them and be part of rescuing them to a new home at the Tree of Life.

Our kids are going to school, eating great food, and growing in the knowledge of Jesus each day. But, we also want them to begin to DREAM about what God can do in and through their lives. Many of them don't realize that they can sing, dance, paint, play basketball. They don't know that they are gifted in a unique area that could become a passion, a career, or a ministry.

Dream Camp is a chance for us to open their eyes to these very things. This December, I will get to lead a group of Americans who will teach classes in all sorts of areas for a week at the Tree of Life. This is my new favorite video that quickly sums up the power of Dream Camp:

Dream Camp from Family Legacy on Vimeo.

Please pray for our upcoming trip and for the kids at the Tree of Life.

Want to join me!? Learn more and sign-up online at!


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Update on Eunice

Last September, I posted a story about a little girl named Eunice. She attended Camp LIFE last year for the very first time and was clearly in desperate need of health care and nutrition. At the age of 10 and a mere 32 pounds, it was evident that her life may be ending needlessly short without immediate intervention.

God, in His endless grace, mercy, and provision, gave Eunice a new home at the Tree of Life Children's Village where she is thriving! Seeing her this summer - for the first time since I helped her family stay in their home last July - was truly a blessing because she looks like a whole new child.

A year ago, she was frail, tiny, visibly sick, and lacking the beautiful innocence and hope that comes with childhood.

Today, though she is still small, she is a child filled with life and joy. Her new home at the Tree of Life has truly transformed her into a happy, hopeful, and healthy child. She is receiving an education, medication, proper nutrition, the love of a family, and most importantly, the knowledge of her Savior Jesus Christ - the one who will perform the ultimate transformation in her life. Here are a few pictures of Eunice today...

 "Father to the fatherless, this is God.
He places the lonely in families and gives them joy!"
Psalm 68:5 - 6

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

All Things Become NEW!

After a busy spring preparing for 670 Americans to join us in Zambia for the summer, packing 9 shipping containers full of supplies for Camp LIFE, our new schools, and 9 new homes at the Tree of life, and finally 2 incredible months in Zambia, I am finding my way back to the blog!

To get things started again, here are a few favorite photos from my time in Zambia and some of our NEW things we got to celebrate this summer.

Camp LIFE moves into its NEW home at the Legacy Center
on the beautiful hilltop plateau of the Tree of Life Children's Village...

9 NEW houses opened at the Tree of Life to give a
safe and loving home to over 100 orphaned children...

NEW backpacks for all the kids at the Tree of Life School...

My NEW love Simon. And, his NEW love...Baylor! Sic 'em Bears!


Monday, January 30, 2012

A Preview of Stories to Come!

Take a look at these great photos from Christmas at the Tree of Life! More details to come later.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Schools

I posted late last year about Family Legacy's push to improve education in Zambia. Read more here.

This summer, I got to sit with some of our kids who have been going to the Lifeway Christian Academy at the Tree of Life for the last 2 years. Listening to them read and speak in English was a very special experience. Here are a few photos to give you a sense of the difference between the community schools (where most kids in the slum go to school) and our Lifeway Christian Academies.

Community School
Community School
Lifeway Christian Academy
Reading at Lifeway Christian Academy

Pray for the education of these children! We know this will make a dramatic and lasting difference in their lives.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Depraved Indifference

There is a video floating around our office these days and it is the reminder we often need for why we are pouring our lives into our work on behalf of the orphans of Zambia. This needs little or on speaks loudly for itself. Please take 7 minutes to watch this powerful video and respond to what God is calling you to do to serve the hurting, the lost, and the vulnerable.