Monday, June 20, 2011

Remembering Zambia

Each year, our Camp LIFE participants do a number of things to help remember their time in Zambia. Photos, videos, and journals help document special moments that become life long memories.

This year, a week-one participants, Staci McCann, came up with a creative way to always remember the girls from her group. As a first-time participant, she knew that this experience would be a special one and something worth remembering for years to come.

So, she traveled with a pair of white TOMS and paint. Already painted with the continent of Africa and highlighting the country of Zambia, she planned to have her girls place their finger prints on the shoes as well, creating a unique way of keeping them with her all the time.

What a cool way to remember her time in Zambia! As she remembers these kids daily, would you join with her and pray for transformation to come in their lives?


Monday, June 13, 2011


We've got a great new partner in ministry and I want to tell you about them. shoo!bug has created a very cool new way to keep away mosquitos and other bugs. Imagine carrying around a credit card that could keep the bugs from getting to you. Well, that's what they've created and they have generously donated 1,000 of these shoo!TAGs to Family Legacy.

As most of you know, Malaria is an on-going health problem in countries like Zambia. Keeping away mosquitos can be tough but with the shoo!TAG, the children living in our full-time care will be protected with just one card!

I don't generally plug companies or products but I would strongly encourage you to check out shoo!bug. They've got a great product (that you can buy for yourself!) and they care about protecting children in need. What a great combination.

Learn more in this article about our new partnership.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Longing Fulfilled

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick. But a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."
- Proverbs 13:12

The Tree of Life Children's Village provides beautiful new homes for the most vulnerable children living in Lusaka, Zambia. After year's of hosting Camp LIFE each summer, Family Legacy determined that much, much more was needed to serve these children. Sending them home to remain in dire circumstances is not what we felt called to do.

In 2009, the Tree of Life Children's Village opened on a plot of 130-acres of beautiful land just outside of the capital city. Children who live here are blessed with a new family of 13 brothers or sisters and a house mom. Together they attend school, church and play every day in their neighborhood just like normal kids.

Currently, there are 7 homes at the village with 3 more opening this summer. Nearly 200 children have been rescued from poverty, abuse, and rejection to a live of freedom, joy, and hope. Days of living in fear turned to days of just being kids.

Here is a glimpse of the communities these children were living in:

Here is a glimpse at their new home and community:

Learn more about the Tree of Life Children's Village on our website and look for photos of the 3 new house openings this summer!


Monday, June 6, 2011

Camp LIFE 2011: Day 1

Today is DAY 1 of Camp LIFE 2011. This year's theme is Seek First the Kingdom.

Since the day I learned of this theme, I feel like all I have heard in sermons and bible studies is the Kingdom of God. I know this is going to be a powerful message for the thousands of children who will attend Camp LIFE over the next 7 weeks and the Americans traveling there as camp counselors. 

We will all learn that God has the authority to reign and rule - HE is almighty. While we anxiously await the day that HE will rule over this world, we cling to His rule and reign in our own hearts. We cling to the truth that we are daughters and sons of the Almighty King - we are royalty in His eyes.

For children living in the gutter of their society - truly the least of these - what a remarkable discovery to learn that God, your Father, is King and you are royalty in the greatest Kingdom the world will ever know!

Please pray for Camp LIFE, specifically for the following:

1 - That God would prepare the hearts of the Zambian children. This year, more than ever, we will have the most vulnerable children in the community. They desperately need this message of hope and light in the midst of their despair and darkness.

2 - For the Americans traveling, maybe for the first time, to a 3rd world country where they speak tribal languages and live in unimaginable circumstances. This will be powerful for them as well. Pray the Lord would impact their hearts and use them to speak truth to the children in their groups.

3 - It takes quite a bit of man power to operate 7 weeks of Camp LIFE - full-time American and Zambian staff, hundreds of Zambian volunteers, and American college students serving as summer-staffers. Prayer for us - that we would have endurance and JOY throughout each week.

Thank you, as always, for your love, support, and prayers.


Friday, June 3, 2011

A Few More Photos

I've been working on several print pieces for the ministry and consequently have been looking at hundreds of photos along the way. Only a few of these are actually used on our materials but I've enjoyed seeing so many great moments captured in beautiful photography.

Here are a few of my new favorites:

Girls at Camp LIFE

Singing and dancing at Camp LIFE - there is TRULY nothing like this!

One of our sweet Camp LIFE kids enamored with his new friend  

A glimpse at life in the community - children caring for children 

We are blessed just to show these children that they are loved

My prayer for us today - let the joy in these faces remind us of how greatly we are loved by God and the call we have to BE a blessing.