Monday, June 6, 2011

Camp LIFE 2011: Day 1

Today is DAY 1 of Camp LIFE 2011. This year's theme is Seek First the Kingdom.

Since the day I learned of this theme, I feel like all I have heard in sermons and bible studies is the Kingdom of God. I know this is going to be a powerful message for the thousands of children who will attend Camp LIFE over the next 7 weeks and the Americans traveling there as camp counselors. 

We will all learn that God has the authority to reign and rule - HE is almighty. While we anxiously await the day that HE will rule over this world, we cling to His rule and reign in our own hearts. We cling to the truth that we are daughters and sons of the Almighty King - we are royalty in His eyes.

For children living in the gutter of their society - truly the least of these - what a remarkable discovery to learn that God, your Father, is King and you are royalty in the greatest Kingdom the world will ever know!

Please pray for Camp LIFE, specifically for the following:

1 - That God would prepare the hearts of the Zambian children. This year, more than ever, we will have the most vulnerable children in the community. They desperately need this message of hope and light in the midst of their despair and darkness.

2 - For the Americans traveling, maybe for the first time, to a 3rd world country where they speak tribal languages and live in unimaginable circumstances. This will be powerful for them as well. Pray the Lord would impact their hearts and use them to speak truth to the children in their groups.

3 - It takes quite a bit of man power to operate 7 weeks of Camp LIFE - full-time American and Zambian staff, hundreds of Zambian volunteers, and American college students serving as summer-staffers. Prayer for us - that we would have endurance and JOY throughout each week.

Thank you, as always, for your love, support, and prayers.


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