Sunday, December 19, 2010

All Things Become New

When I was a teenager, I was actively involved in a church program for girls, Acteens. If you grew up Baptist, you may be familiar with this (or the version for younger girls - GAs). Acteens is a program that educates young women about missions and service from a Biblical standpoint. Every week we studied missionaries, learned about ministry in our community and participated in multiple projects to serve those in need. It was a great experience for me - and especially meaningful since my grandparents served as missionaries in Africa when I was very young. 

At a local Acteens conference, we gathered under the title, "All Things Become New" - referencing the verse 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"

I have been thinking about this theme a lot lately, as life is turning over a new leaf for me. My salvation and transformation as a "new creation" was set in stone several years ago. But event God promises "new mercies every morning" and brings us to new journeys in order to grow us and to accomplish his great will. Well, 2011 is one of those times in my life where God has brought me to a place of so many NEWs!

NEW Address: 
I just moved into a wonderful house in Old Lake Highlands (East Dallas, just a couple of blocks from White Rock Lake). I've gone from living alone, back to the world of having a roommate and it has been such a blessing. Rachel is the new homeowner/roommate and one of my very best friends (and she travelled to Zambia with me this year). Come see us or send us some mail (we love mail!): 710 Kirkwood, Dallas, TX 75218

NEW Job:
I am excited to announce that I am starting my new job at Family Legacy Missions International the first week of January! Many of you are already familiar with this new and exciting journey and have been faithful to support me in this. 

About 6 months ago, I began talking with Family Legacy about coming on staff to suppor the fundraising and marketing efforts of the ministry. FLMI has impacted countless lives through its ministries for orphans in Zambia, Africa. The ministry is on the cusp of doubling its work for the children and families who live there and are in great need of growing resources state side. I am excited to join this effort and trusting in the Lord as he teaches me day-by-day.

Part of this change includes raising financial support for my salary. I will effectively be living as a missionary (but still living in Dallas). Please be in prayer for my financial support and I would ask that you pray about making a financial contribution (one-time or monthly). Visit my support page for more information:

NEW Blog!
Keep up to date with photos, prayer requests and the exciting news from the work going on in Zambia on my block:

And, take a look at photos from my last 2 trips:


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