Thursday, May 19, 2011

What is Camp LIFE?

If you've spent any time with me (or my blog) in the last 6 months, you've heard me talk about many of the programs we provide here at Family Legacy. But, you've probably also wondered what in the world I was talking about! Here is a little more information on our largest and longest-running program, Camp LIFE.

Started in 2001, Camp LIFE happens over the course of 7 weeks each summer. Camp LIFE brings healing, hope, and joy to the orphaned and vulnerable children of Zambia and offers American families and individuals a chance to minister and serve together. 

2 years ago, I got to be a part of this experience and it was a powerful week for me and my group of boys.

Through one on-one time, Americans learn more about each child’s home life and prayer needs. Many of the children are able to open up about the difficult situations they face and find freedom and healing during this time.

During this week-long experience, the children of Zambia get to hear the Word of God and experience life more abundantly. At the end of that week, every child gets to experience that first-hand as they receive a new t-shirt, a bandana, and a brand new pair of shoes.

We also have A LOT of fun. Remember back to your days as a young camper. I'm sure you still remember the songs, dance moves and funny skits that shaped that week for you. These kids go home with those same memories. And, I too will ALWAYS remember the joy of these moments.
If you want to learn more about Camp LIFE, visit our website or watch a few testimonies

Also, take a look at my picture site with lots of details about my trips in 2009 and 2010.

If you've ever thought out taking a short-term mission trip to Africa, pray about joining us for the summer of 2012. It will change your life!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Logistics, Logistics, Logistics!

For the last 5 years, I've been working at the Dallas Children's Advocacy Center and one of my favorite projects each year was working on the planning team for the Crimes Against Children Conference. I had NO IDEA how much God was training me for my role at Family Legacy.

I know many of you have never been to Camp LIFE before, but if you have, you know that there are a multitude of details that have to be in place for your trip and for camp as a whole to be successful. I have been the recipient of those organized details twice as a participant. Now, on the other side, I can appreciate so much more the hard work that goes into ensuring the success of 7 weeks of Camp LIFE with over 500 participants in Zambia, Africa!

Here's a quick inside look at what it takes to make this happen:

First, we have to send containers full of supplies over to Zambia early in the year so they make it there in time for Camp LIFE.

In case you're wondering, this is a shipping container...

Loading the container... (yes that is LOTS of peanut butter - this is our lunch delicacy in Zambia every day)

We also sort and distribute all of the participant t-shirts. LOTS and LOTS of t-shirts!

Of course, there are a million other things that get done behind the scenes, but we don't typically take pictures at the office. :)

It is a lot of hard work but undoubtedly is a labor of love. I cannot wait for Camp LIFE to get started in 4 short weeks. Please be praying for the 500 Americans who will be with us this summer and for the thousands of Zambian orphans who will be forever impacted by this experience.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Latest Newsletter

In case I don't have your address, here is a copy of my latest newsletter! Learn more about what I am up to these days and read about Emma Tembo's amazing transformation.

Thank you all for your support and prayers. This journey of changing jobs, raising support and pursuing God's call on my life to serve the orphans of Zambia has been a tremendous blessing. I never understood the depths of faith required to truly trust in the Lord but He has graciously revealed what it really takes and made up the difference where I am lacking.

Please continue to be in prayer for this ministry and for my role here at Family Legacy. To make a contribution towards my support, please visit my donate page:
