Thursday, March 3, 2011


One of the greatest things I have discovered since I started at Family Legacy is that this ministry desires to more than just transform the lives of Zambian orphans. The true mission of Family Legacy is to engage American individuals and families in this work and, in so doing, transform both the lives of the Zambian children and the American family.

This is what my co-workers call engaging families in the call of the great commission and they are passionate about this work. Camp LIFE is an amazing experience for the children. But, it also provides an incredible opportunity for believers who have been tremendously blessed to serve alongside one another to be the hands and feet of Jesus to children in need.

I have heard testimony after testimony of how God used the transformation of a single Zambian orphan to radically change a person or family. Addictions have been broke. Trust has been restored. Serving has become a priority. It is the powerful, and often untold, second story of our ministry.

Here are some testimonies from families who have been to Camp LIFE:

The Schroeder Family -
"Taking my wife and three kids to Zambia has been one of the top most impactful experiences of our family. Connecting with God's heart for the poor and needy and God's heart for the use of our money has profoundly changed our family. One of my kids stretched me quite a bit as she decided God wanted her to raise the money to build one of the orphan homes. Our whole family participated in that process which was very unifying. Our Camp LIFE experiences in Zambia gave my children an opportunity to see God use them to minister to others like they had never seen before....What a joy it has been for our family to be used by God and to be a part of changing the country of Zambia for the Kingdom of God!"

The Pipkin Family -
"When my son (17) and my daughter (14) went on their first trip to Camp LIFE in 2009, they came back spiritually transformed. An example of how the experience touched their heart and soul came at Christmas time. As typical Americans, we ask our children to write down the five things they want for Chirstmas. Without talking to each other, the son and daughter that went on this trip had only one request. They wanted us to sponsor as many of their campers as possible in their respective groups. I was astonished by this and immediately felt compelled to go to Camp LIFE the following summer. In 2010, I took my whole family of seven and we had a supernatural time."

This year, Family Legacy is taking 46 FULL FAMILY UNITS to Camp LIFE. Please be in prayer for spiritual transformation in the lives of these families and in the lives of the children they will serve!


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