Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Zambia in the News

 Before coming to work at Family Legacy, I spent 5 years working for a Dallas-area non-profit, the Dallas Children's Advocacy Center. DCAC exists to fight crimes against children - namely child abuse. Over 80% of clients served at the Advocacy Center are sexual abuse victims. Many of them girls.

When I went to Zambia for the first time, I was burdened for the children there, because I knew they did not have an Advocacy Center to call on in times of crisis. Abuse was (and still is) a cultural norm in Zambia. Many girls and boys suffer the pains of not only physical abuse and neglect, but also horrific sexual abuse that steals innocence and forever changes the trajectory of a child's life. This issue needs advocates here in Dallas and it most certainly needs advocates in Zambia.

This recent news story (read more on the Family Legacy blog) is a great example of how cultural norms cause abuse to persist. The work we do can change not only the lives of a single child, but also their families and communities. Please join us in pushing back darkness for a community in need.


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