Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Schools

I posted late last year about Family Legacy's push to improve education in Zambia. Read more here.

This summer, I got to sit with some of our kids who have been going to the Lifeway Christian Academy at the Tree of Life for the last 2 years. Listening to them read and speak in English was a very special experience. Here are a few photos to give you a sense of the difference between the community schools (where most kids in the slum go to school) and our Lifeway Christian Academies.

Community School
Community School
Lifeway Christian Academy
Reading at Lifeway Christian Academy

Pray for the education of these children! We know this will make a dramatic and lasting difference in their lives.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Depraved Indifference

There is a video floating around our office these days and it is the reminder we often need for why we are pouring our lives into our work on behalf of the orphans of Zambia. This needs little or on introduction....it speaks loudly for itself. Please take 7 minutes to watch this powerful video and respond to what God is calling you to do to serve the hurting, the lost, and the vulnerable.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Saving Eunice

So I have promised stories of my trip to Zambia and I would say that after 6 weeks back in the US, it is about time I get moving on this!

Let me start at the beginning. One of the very first things I got to do in Zambia was meet a little girl, Eunice, and her family. This was a special moment for me because before I even left for my trip, I had been hearing testimonies and stories from the first half of the summer in Zambia. With over 3,000 children and 250 Americans having gone through Camp LIFE, I knew I was walking into the middle of a tremendously powerful year of Camp LIFE.

One of these stories was about Eunice. My dear friend and co-worker Katy met this sweet girl during the first week of Camp LIFE while she was greeting the children one morning. After introducing herself as Eunice, she told Katy that she was 10 years old and at camp for the very first time.

So far this must sound like a normal conversation between a child and a camp staff member - regardless of country. But here is what makes this story unique -- Eunice is only 32 pounds. Katy assumed she was meeting a young child only 6 years old. Instead she learned that she was talking to a child who was severely malnourished - possibly even struggling with a life-threatening illness.

Blaise at age 2 and 33 pounds; Eunice at age 10 and 32 pounds

Also alarmed by sores on Eunice's body, Katy pulled this little girl to the side and asked our medical staff to examine her. They immediately felt she needed medical assistance from a local clinic. Within the next 2 weeks, it was discovered that Eunice was HIV positive and suffering from Tuberculosis. Her mother tested positive for HIV as well and was discovered to be suffering from heart disease. She has been so sick that she is unable to leave home much less work.

Eunice is the second of 4 children. Her older sister, Natasha, is 12 years old and desperately trying to provide for her struggling family. As you can imagine, they are painfully hungry and uncertain even of how to make it through one day.

Katy shared with me her concern for Eunice almost daily in the weeks prior to my trip to Zambia. We celebrated that Eunice was safely enrolled in our sponsorship program, receiving proper medications, and being fed proper foods to ensure she would begin to gain weight. Our team also secured a spot for Eunice in our next Tree of Life house to open.

Katy with Eunice and siblings singing their favorite Camp LIFE songs

But, just days after I arrived in Zambia for the second half of our Camp LIFE program, we learned that Eunice's family was 3 months behind in rent and a day away from being evicted. With no money and no family in the Lusaka area, they would be forced to moved to the village - far outside of Family Legacy's service area and much too far away from the vital medical resources both Eunice and her mother need.

Within just a few hours, our team was able to put enough money together to pay the family's past due rent and enough to keep them there until Eunice can move into her new home at the Tree of Life. I was blessed to deliver this news to the family and spend the afternoon with them.

I was reminded in that moment of the important role of Camp LIFE. What seems like just a simple, short-term missions opportunity is really a gateway program allowing us to dramatically impact the lives of countless children. Not only because we speak the power of the gospel over their lives and see many of them receive hope, faith, and grace in a way they never understood possible; but also because Camp LIFE gives us a chance to get to know children who are days or months away from literal death. Without medication, proper nutrition, and a stable home, Eunice would not make it to her teenage years.

I wish that Eunice was unique - a rarity in Zambia. Unfortunately, she is one of so many children suffering from disease, illness, malnourishment, and extreme poverty. When YOU come to Camp LIFE, you get to know these kids and you have an opportunity to dramatically change the course of their lives here on earth and in eternity. God uses each of us to impact the Kingdom. I know he has a plan for Eunice - why else would he shine a light on her specifically? Please pray for her and the countless others waiting for God to rescue them from both economic and spiritual poverty.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sign Up for Camp LIFE 2012

Sign ups for Camp LIFE 2012 are officially open!

Over 2 years ago, God led me to go on this trip and it dramatically changed my life. Not in a quick instant, but over the course of days and months. Slowly but surely, God used that experience to reveal brokenness and sin in my heart, to stir passion for His Kingdom, and to draw me into full time ministry.

This is an incredible opportunity to impact the lives of Zambian orphans and to be transformed in your own life along the way.

Learn more about Camp LIFE 2012 on our website.

Here are a few video testimonies about Camp LIFE:

Sam Pedigo from Family Legacy on Vimeo.

Claire Knight from Family Legacy on Vimeo.

Greg Pipkin from Family Legacy on Vimeo.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Victim of Neglect

And for once I am not talking about a child. MY BLOG has been severely neglect over the summer while I've been in Zambia and then returning home to lots of work back here in the States.

I have so many stories and testimonies to share with you all and can't wait to begin pouring that out here. For now, how about a few pictures of my time there?

I got to spend some really great time out at the Tree of Life Children's Village this year. And I have a few new precious children in my life that I miss dearly.

 Joyce (she is the child I sponsor!)

More to come!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Remembering Zambia

Each year, our Camp LIFE participants do a number of things to help remember their time in Zambia. Photos, videos, and journals help document special moments that become life long memories.

This year, a week-one participants, Staci McCann, came up with a creative way to always remember the girls from her group. As a first-time participant, she knew that this experience would be a special one and something worth remembering for years to come.

So, she traveled with a pair of white TOMS and paint. Already painted with the continent of Africa and highlighting the country of Zambia, she planned to have her girls place their finger prints on the shoes as well, creating a unique way of keeping them with her all the time.

What a cool way to remember her time in Zambia! As she remembers these kids daily, would you join with her and pray for transformation to come in their lives?


Monday, June 13, 2011


We've got a great new partner in ministry and I want to tell you about them. shoo!bug has created a very cool new way to keep away mosquitos and other bugs. Imagine carrying around a credit card that could keep the bugs from getting to you. Well, that's what they've created and they have generously donated 1,000 of these shoo!TAGs to Family Legacy.

As most of you know, Malaria is an on-going health problem in countries like Zambia. Keeping away mosquitos can be tough but with the shoo!TAG, the children living in our full-time care will be protected with just one card!

I don't generally plug companies or products but I would strongly encourage you to check out shoo!bug. They've got a great product (that you can buy for yourself!) and they care about protecting children in need. What a great combination.

Learn more in this article about our new partnership.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Longing Fulfilled

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick. But a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."
- Proverbs 13:12

The Tree of Life Children's Village provides beautiful new homes for the most vulnerable children living in Lusaka, Zambia. After year's of hosting Camp LIFE each summer, Family Legacy determined that much, much more was needed to serve these children. Sending them home to remain in dire circumstances is not what we felt called to do.

In 2009, the Tree of Life Children's Village opened on a plot of 130-acres of beautiful land just outside of the capital city. Children who live here are blessed with a new family of 13 brothers or sisters and a house mom. Together they attend school, church and play every day in their neighborhood just like normal kids.

Currently, there are 7 homes at the village with 3 more opening this summer. Nearly 200 children have been rescued from poverty, abuse, and rejection to a live of freedom, joy, and hope. Days of living in fear turned to days of just being kids.

Here is a glimpse of the communities these children were living in:

Here is a glimpse at their new home and community:

Learn more about the Tree of Life Children's Village on our website and look for photos of the 3 new house openings this summer!


Monday, June 6, 2011

Camp LIFE 2011: Day 1

Today is DAY 1 of Camp LIFE 2011. This year's theme is Seek First the Kingdom.

Since the day I learned of this theme, I feel like all I have heard in sermons and bible studies is the Kingdom of God. I know this is going to be a powerful message for the thousands of children who will attend Camp LIFE over the next 7 weeks and the Americans traveling there as camp counselors. 

We will all learn that God has the authority to reign and rule - HE is almighty. While we anxiously await the day that HE will rule over this world, we cling to His rule and reign in our own hearts. We cling to the truth that we are daughters and sons of the Almighty King - we are royalty in His eyes.

For children living in the gutter of their society - truly the least of these - what a remarkable discovery to learn that God, your Father, is King and you are royalty in the greatest Kingdom the world will ever know!

Please pray for Camp LIFE, specifically for the following:

1 - That God would prepare the hearts of the Zambian children. This year, more than ever, we will have the most vulnerable children in the community. They desperately need this message of hope and light in the midst of their despair and darkness.

2 - For the Americans traveling, maybe for the first time, to a 3rd world country where they speak tribal languages and live in unimaginable circumstances. This will be powerful for them as well. Pray the Lord would impact their hearts and use them to speak truth to the children in their groups.

3 - It takes quite a bit of man power to operate 7 weeks of Camp LIFE - full-time American and Zambian staff, hundreds of Zambian volunteers, and American college students serving as summer-staffers. Prayer for us - that we would have endurance and JOY throughout each week.

Thank you, as always, for your love, support, and prayers.


Friday, June 3, 2011

A Few More Photos

I've been working on several print pieces for the ministry and consequently have been looking at hundreds of photos along the way. Only a few of these are actually used on our materials but I've enjoyed seeing so many great moments captured in beautiful photography.

Here are a few of my new favorites:

Girls at Camp LIFE

Singing and dancing at Camp LIFE - there is TRULY nothing like this!

One of our sweet Camp LIFE kids enamored with his new friend  

A glimpse at life in the community - children caring for children 

We are blessed just to show these children that they are loved

My prayer for us today - let the joy in these faces remind us of how greatly we are loved by God and the call we have to BE a blessing.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

What is Camp LIFE?

If you've spent any time with me (or my blog) in the last 6 months, you've heard me talk about many of the programs we provide here at Family Legacy. But, you've probably also wondered what in the world I was talking about! Here is a little more information on our largest and longest-running program, Camp LIFE.

Started in 2001, Camp LIFE happens over the course of 7 weeks each summer. Camp LIFE brings healing, hope, and joy to the orphaned and vulnerable children of Zambia and offers American families and individuals a chance to minister and serve together. 

2 years ago, I got to be a part of this experience and it was a powerful week for me and my group of boys.

Through one on-one time, Americans learn more about each child’s home life and prayer needs. Many of the children are able to open up about the difficult situations they face and find freedom and healing during this time.

During this week-long experience, the children of Zambia get to hear the Word of God and experience life more abundantly. At the end of that week, every child gets to experience that first-hand as they receive a new t-shirt, a bandana, and a brand new pair of shoes.

We also have A LOT of fun. Remember back to your days as a young camper. I'm sure you still remember the songs, dance moves and funny skits that shaped that week for you. These kids go home with those same memories. And, I too will ALWAYS remember the joy of these moments.
If you want to learn more about Camp LIFE, visit our website or watch a few testimonies

Also, take a look at my picture site with lots of details about my trips in 2009 and 2010.

If you've ever thought out taking a short-term mission trip to Africa, pray about joining us for the summer of 2012. It will change your life!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Logistics, Logistics, Logistics!

For the last 5 years, I've been working at the Dallas Children's Advocacy Center and one of my favorite projects each year was working on the planning team for the Crimes Against Children Conference. I had NO IDEA how much God was training me for my role at Family Legacy.

I know many of you have never been to Camp LIFE before, but if you have, you know that there are a multitude of details that have to be in place for your trip and for camp as a whole to be successful. I have been the recipient of those organized details twice as a participant. Now, on the other side, I can appreciate so much more the hard work that goes into ensuring the success of 7 weeks of Camp LIFE with over 500 participants in Zambia, Africa!

Here's a quick inside look at what it takes to make this happen:

First, we have to send containers full of supplies over to Zambia early in the year so they make it there in time for Camp LIFE.

In case you're wondering, this is a shipping container...

Loading the container... (yes that is LOTS of peanut butter - this is our lunch delicacy in Zambia every day)

We also sort and distribute all of the participant t-shirts. LOTS and LOTS of t-shirts!

Of course, there are a million other things that get done behind the scenes, but we don't typically take pictures at the office. :)

It is a lot of hard work but undoubtedly is a labor of love. I cannot wait for Camp LIFE to get started in 4 short weeks. Please be praying for the 500 Americans who will be with us this summer and for the thousands of Zambian orphans who will be forever impacted by this experience.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Latest Newsletter

In case I don't have your address, here is a copy of my latest newsletter! Learn more about what I am up to these days and read about Emma Tembo's amazing transformation.

Thank you all for your support and prayers. This journey of changing jobs, raising support and pursuing God's call on my life to serve the orphans of Zambia has been a tremendous blessing. I never understood the depths of faith required to truly trust in the Lord but He has graciously revealed what it really takes and made up the difference where I am lacking.

Please continue to be in prayer for this ministry and for my role here at Family Legacy. To make a contribution towards my support, please visit my donate page: www.familylegacy.com/anne.


Monday, April 25, 2011

An All-Out Dance Party!

You can't say I didn't warn you! Here's another great video of the absolute fun of singing and dancing with our kids at Camp LIFE!

Joy Hoedown from Family Legacy on Vimeo.


Monday, April 18, 2011

I've Got the JOY!

As we are getting ready for another year of Camp LIFE, we are dusting off all of our favorite songs and dance moves. Remember your days of going to camp? All of the singing and dancing? Well, here is a glimpse of what this looks like in Zambia during Camp LIFE.

I've Got the Joy from Family Legacy on Vimeo.

I LOVE these videos! They bring such joy. Forgive me if I start posting one every day.


Saturday, April 16, 2011


One of the BEST parts of working at Family Legacy is being surrounded by absolutely beautiful photography. It is beautiful because we have some great photographers who have captured images of....





There are literally hundreds of photos that represent the transformation we watch daily. It is a constant reminder that every spreadsheet, meeting, phone call and project represent a deep passion to see lives changed.

Pray for the faces in these photos and the HOPE we know they have in Christ.


P.S. - We post a selection of photos on the Family Legacy blog each week. Click here to see more.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Why Zambia?

At Family Legacy, we work exclusively in the country of Zambia. I am often asked why we focus so specifically on just one country.

Our goal is to focus our efforts on one country for as long as it takes to see transformation happen. Zambia is home to some of the most vulnerable children in the world. We desire to see change in their lives now and, through them, to see long-term change throughout the nation of Zambia.

Here are a few quick details on the conditions in Zambia -


Because of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the extreme poverty that breeds hopelessness and despair, Zambia has become home to the largest percentage of orphans of any country in the world. The children we work with can barely begin to understand life outside of their slums or dream of a living to be an old man or woman.

Since beginning our work in September, 2000, Family Legacy has been committed to one goal: transforming Zambia one child at a time.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Joy Will Come in the Morning

This is probably my very favorite Family Legacy video:

Joy Will Come from Family Legacy on Vimeo.

I love the song in this video by Desperation Band. It reminds me of Psalm 30:5, "For his anger is but for a moment,m and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning." Here is my favorite part:

What is this hope I feel?
It's helping.
What is this peace beyond understanding?
You fix the broken heart.
There's healing in Your wings.

The night should bring rest. But, for the orphans we work with in Zambia, all too often the night is the scariest time of their day. It is at night when they feel the pangs of hunger.

It is at night when they hear their mother, father, aunt or uncle stumble in from drinking too much. It is at night when they experience abuse.

It is our constant hope that we can impact their circumstances so that night time is truly a time for rest and not fear. But, we also have the great privilege of sharing with them the gospel of Jesus which literally promises new mercies and JOY every MORNING. The gospel we trust in brings light into the darkness - not only for a new morning but for a new life that leads to eternal joy.

That's why this video is my favorite! You can see this message taking root in the hearts and minds of the children we work with. Watch their eyes. Watch their smiles. That is joy that only comes from Jesus.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

BIG Brother, Little Hot Wheels

I have a really BIG brother....

Don't laugh....I realize how crazy this is. And, no, I am not squatting. :)

I share this with you because my brother, Mark, is a really great guy. This summer, when I was preparing to leave for camp, he decided he wanted to send me with a special gift for the boys in my group.

His prized possession is his Hot Wheels collection - something he has been working on since we were kids! He has always been a car guy and these little collectibles remind him of what he is passionate about.

Before leaving, Mark hand picked Hot Wheels from his collection for each of my kids in Zambia. He brought them to me in perfect condition and in the packages (because he swears that a little boys life is NOT complete until they've gotten to rip open a brand new Hot Wheel).

Needless to say, these little cars were a BIG hit...

Thanks BIG brother for making this day a little brighter for these boys!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Meet Beauty

Beauty Mulenga is a precious 13-year-old girl whose parents both died when she was a young child. After her parent's death, Beauty lived with her drunkard aunt who has been very abusive to her on a nightly basis. One of beauty's aunt's boyfriends even raped her one night when he was drunk. Like many Zambian orphans, she was considered a burden instead of a blessing. Beauty also lives with the very painful disease called Sickle-Cell Anemia, where extreme pain will attack her body for several days at a time.

Beauty's story began when she attended Camp LIFE. It continued as her healing began through the Father's Heart Sponsorship Program. Today, she lives at the haven of hope and healing, the Tree of Life Children's Village.

At her new home, Beauty has FULL access to the highest quality medical care, as well as a balanced diet that is necessary to assist her in her condition. Beauty wants to be a doctor when she grows up and is thriving in school.

Hear Beauty share her story of hope and healing in the video below...

Beauty Mulenga from Family Legacy on Vimeo

Please pray for the many children whose names and faces we have yet to know but who share Beauty's story.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Zambia in the News

 Before coming to work at Family Legacy, I spent 5 years working for a Dallas-area non-profit, the Dallas Children's Advocacy Center. DCAC exists to fight crimes against children - namely child abuse. Over 80% of clients served at the Advocacy Center are sexual abuse victims. Many of them girls.

When I went to Zambia for the first time, I was burdened for the children there, because I knew they did not have an Advocacy Center to call on in times of crisis. Abuse was (and still is) a cultural norm in Zambia. Many girls and boys suffer the pains of not only physical abuse and neglect, but also horrific sexual abuse that steals innocence and forever changes the trajectory of a child's life. This issue needs advocates here in Dallas and it most certainly needs advocates in Zambia.

This recent news story (read more on the Family Legacy blog) is a great example of how cultural norms cause abuse to persist. The work we do can change not only the lives of a single child, but also their families and communities. Please join us in pushing back darkness for a community in need.


Monday, March 7, 2011

New Shoes

Every year at Camp LIFE, all of the kids get a new pair of shoes, a t-shirt and a bandanna. I cannot tell you what a difference this makes to them! 

When they arrive at Camp, they are wearing shoes that are likely completely worn out or too big for them.

After getting new shoes that have been loving placed on their feet and covered in prayer, they walk out with unshakable smiles and so much JOY!

We are excited for another great summer of ministering to the hearts of Zambian orphans and blessing them with NEW SHOES!


Friday, March 4, 2011

Back to Zambia!

I am so excited to be heading back to Zambia this summer for a little over a month. I will be there during the month of July, coming home in early August. I cannot wait to meet so many new faces - both Zambian and American - and share testimonies of God's provision, grace, and miraculous power to transform lives.

Our ministry could not do this work without the support of friends and family like you. Please consider supporting me in this journey. To donate, please visit www.familylegacy.com/anne.


P.S. - These are the handsome boys from my group at Camp LIFE 2010. They look  so sharp after getting new shoes, shirts and bandannas!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


One of the greatest things I have discovered since I started at Family Legacy is that this ministry desires to more than just transform the lives of Zambian orphans. The true mission of Family Legacy is to engage American individuals and families in this work and, in so doing, transform both the lives of the Zambian children and the American family.

This is what my co-workers call engaging families in the call of the great commission and they are passionate about this work. Camp LIFE is an amazing experience for the children. But, it also provides an incredible opportunity for believers who have been tremendously blessed to serve alongside one another to be the hands and feet of Jesus to children in need.

I have heard testimony after testimony of how God used the transformation of a single Zambian orphan to radically change a person or family. Addictions have been broke. Trust has been restored. Serving has become a priority. It is the powerful, and often untold, second story of our ministry.

Here are some testimonies from families who have been to Camp LIFE:

The Schroeder Family -
"Taking my wife and three kids to Zambia has been one of the top most impactful experiences of our family. Connecting with God's heart for the poor and needy and God's heart for the use of our money has profoundly changed our family. One of my kids stretched me quite a bit as she decided God wanted her to raise the money to build one of the orphan homes. Our whole family participated in that process which was very unifying. Our Camp LIFE experiences in Zambia gave my children an opportunity to see God use them to minister to others like they had never seen before....What a joy it has been for our family to be used by God and to be a part of changing the country of Zambia for the Kingdom of God!"

The Pipkin Family -
"When my son (17) and my daughter (14) went on their first trip to Camp LIFE in 2009, they came back spiritually transformed. An example of how the experience touched their heart and soul came at Christmas time. As typical Americans, we ask our children to write down the five things they want for Chirstmas. Without talking to each other, the son and daughter that went on this trip had only one request. They wanted us to sponsor as many of their campers as possible in their respective groups. I was astonished by this and immediately felt compelled to go to Camp LIFE the following summer. In 2010, I took my whole family of seven and we had a supernatural time."

This year, Family Legacy is taking 46 FULL FAMILY UNITS to Camp LIFE. Please be in prayer for spiritual transformation in the lives of these families and in the lives of the children they will serve!
